Thursday, July 14, 2011

Evacuated 2011 - Day 23 - July 14, 2011

Not a whole lot more to add to yesterdays update. The river is now down below 1552..... it is at 1551.91 this morning. We are hoping to get into our neighborhood this weekend or early next week. Some neighbors have been entering illegally. One informed me that there are areas of dry pavement on some of the streets in Eastwood Park. However, until the area is deemed safe by the city officials, we will not be going in. This is happening in other areas.... people sneaking in to see and sometimes work on their homes. It is supposed to be a $300.00 fine if caught. Not sure if anyone has been fined yet, but perhaps if some were it would deter others from entering where they should not go. I did hear that one house on 9th St. lost its basement.... foundation caved in. All for now.

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